The voices in our community are always so powerful. As perpetual experimenters, Studio Love, in collaboration with, is testing out this new space to share the wisdom, vulnerability and empowerment we are witness to through the interactions we have with so many of you. We are calling this project: LISTENING AS AN ACT OF LOVE (AND POWER!). We are listening and hope this will become a safe place where each of you feels empowered to express what is coming up for you and to also see the gift we all give and receive when we really listen to the stories being told by others. As a wise young/old soul once said: "...each story is like a seed - a new beginning maybe even for someone you don't know that you touched with your story." And sometimes, the plants are doing the speaking if we can be OPEN to LISTENING to them too!
White Bellflower
How do you currently give and receive gratitude in your life? What would you like to gain from a new personal or group gratitude ritual?
Ciaran describes his experience starting a new gratitude practice using our Gratitude Blooming Card deck.
HiveQuest's gratitude practice: The HiveQuest team has begun the practice of pulling a gratitude blooming card to start each weekly team video meeting. Each week a different team member pulls a card, collecting energy from the rest of the team to guide their choice. We take a moment to allow each person to reflect on what the card says to them, and how it might connect to the work they are doing. It helps us connect with each other at the start of each meeting, creates a space for a shared experience, and has often been quite enlightening in how it guides our process.
Liz's gratitude awareness
In this moment, I'm feeling a deep respect for the process...the journey...the ebb and flow...seasons...transitions...moon cycles...
It feels good to sit back, breathe it all in, and just be with what is now. Knowing that what has past and what will come are all a part of the journey.
What a beautiful journey it is
Bernie's gratitude story: Play & imagination
I feel grateful for my creativity and imagination, my playful inner child. I feel grateful for my love of dancing and sense of fun. The world would be a little less fun and less interesting.
Cat's Gratitude for Nature
Noticed the ripples behind the ducks as they moved through the pond. Nature is ever changing as the trees go through the seasons. Grateful that life is ever changing as we learn lessons. If life never changed we'd be stuck in a high or low and life would be monotonous.
Melissa's gratitude story: Choice
Today I drew the Choice card. The prompt reads, "Are you facing a decision right now? Try to be grateful for the choices available to you. What does your heart want to choose?". I love this card, as it reminds me to reframe choices that often seem like burdens as opportunities to be grateful for.
Sunflowers after Van Gogh
The root of the word reverence means to “stand in awe.” What makes you feel awe? What arises when you think about how reverence and gratitude are connected?
Lisette's gratitude story: Reverence
I feel reverence for my dreams. I am a big believer in messages in dreams. I have had some powerful dreams lately. Last night was one of them. I took time this morning to reflect on the message...
...I took the image of the sunflowers and found a picture that also represents dreams.
All Shall Be Well Rose
Have you noticed or expressed gratitude to someone who has shown their vulnerability to you? Have you been willing to show your vulnerability to others?
Nayad's gratitude story: Vulnerability
It is quite rare for me to completely let go and be vulnerable. This year I've been learning about the importance of being your raw self, even when it's dark and messy and chaotic.
Anne's gratitude story: Retirement
I just walked out and took a close look at my winter garden. This dogwood tree looks very calm, peace and beautiful although nothing on it, no leaves, no flowers . And it looks pretty alive too in a different way. I am now in a different stage of my life at the beginning of my retirement. This inspired me that I can still be strong and live in a beautiful life without the fancy job.
Dancing Daisies
If you were to simplify your life, what would you choose to keep?
AR's gratitude story: Simplicity
My cat recently was deathly ill and she is finally just recovering. But as she ages, I am appreciating spending time with her more and more. I know that there will be a day in the near future that I will have to say goodbye, so for now, I'm appreciating the simple things; watching her sleep, her purr, her attitude and sitting quietly with her...This is the first thing that came to mind for me with this card; the simplicity of companionship with my cat.
Arlene's gratitude story
Sometimes a picture can say a 1000 words. I'm still both struggling and overflowing with gratitude for my little soul mate who passed away this year. He was my sun, my moon, my art, my life. So grateful and so broken too!
Self-care reminding Allium triquetrum
What can you do today (and everyday) to show yourself some love?
What can you do today to show yourself some love?
What if water was a magical elixir that could heal whatever is ailing you? Imagine drinking more of this elixir today and see what you notice.
Annapurna's gratitude story
My name is Annapurna.
I am grateful for a space in which to say that feeling thankful right now is very difficult. I feel like I should make something up, write something different. This photo is me at my Guru's seat.
He teaches to tell the truth.
I am grateful for the opportunity to speak my truth. Thank you.